Crisis of Confidence

Ways to re-gain your confidence

Welcome to Doug’s Newsletter. Every Thursday, I share a theme from my journey to provide you insight along your spiritual path.

Today’s Setlist

🎩 One Theme → Crisis of Confidence

😄 Funny Business → Cute Nicknames

📊 Community Poll → Do you Talk to Yourself?

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🎩 One Theme: Crisis of Confidence

In November, I had a conversation with Jasmine Nnena. Jas runs an agency to help entrepreneurs grow purposeful brands.

While discussing my new home retreat offering, set to launch in January, I shared my fear that not a single person would attend. Jas' response?

“Who cares?”

“If no one shows up, great. You learned something. Write about that experience,” she told me, referring to my newsletter you’re reading right now.

This reassurance immediately made me feel lighter.

And in this lightness, the joy of birthing my new creations returned. There was, in the truest sense of the word, literally no way I could fail!

With that ten second interaction, my confidence was back.

I’m grateful for Jas giving me this perspective. The truth is, she encouraged me to give it to myself.

Only I can permit myself to be free from expectations that do not bring me joy.

The same is true for you in your life. When you find yourself in a crisis of confidence, return to these 5 techniques, and I am confident that you will be feeling confident again:

1) WHY

Go inward and rediscover your WHY. With regards to the area where your confidence is lacking — what is your true north? WHY are you investing your valuable time here?

For me, my WHY wasn’t a full first retreat. It was to learn and grow on my path to creating valuable retreats for the long term.

Intention = WHY

2) Exercise

Go outward and nourish your body with physical exercise. Your physical body is a complex machine and is more connected to your emotional body than we can fathom. Unclog your body, unclog your confidence bottleneck.

My bathroom sink was clogged this week, the metaphor is top of mind.

3) Time

Everything takes longer than it does. This is the best piece of wisdom I’ve ever received. Take a moment of pause. Reflect on your mind’s timeline and if any of that perceived urgency may be see-through.

4) Rituals

Return to the basics that make you feel the most You. A morning cup of coffee. Reading your new book. Returning to your truth returns you to where your confidence lives.

5) People

Reach out to people you trust to support you. Share vulnerably about your crisis of confidence. Reinforcing to yourself that you’re not alone will do wonders for your confidence. And who knows, maybe your people will actually give you good advice!

Special thanks to Jen Todd and Todd Lieman, my pillars of support this week, for their invaluable listening and advice. Unfortunately, Todd’s last name isn’t Jenn…could you imagine?

One last piece of advice: All five of these methods are valuable on their own and together. Like all in life, they’re temporary. Journaling is a wonderful way to make these moments—and the learnings from them—last well beyond today.

😄 Funny Business

I think it’s a cute nickname…

📊 Community Poll

Results for last week’s question: How often do you leave reviews?

This checks out considering I received 0 replies to my feedback request. I’m sure this was a coordinated effort to allow me to embody today’s theme, so thank you!

On to this week’s question to psych ourselves up.

Do you talk to yourself?

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How I Can Help

Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways for us to work together:

  1. Grab time with me for a 1:1 session on community, consumer-driven research, or anything else.

  2. Join me at a 4-hour retreat if you are looking for long-term growth in your spiritual practice.

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"If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid." - Epictetus