We're All Connected

Film: The Egg (8 minutes)

In partnership with

5 minutes to slow down, laugh, and share something in common. Every Thursday.

Explore a beautiful theory on the connection we all share.

Today’s Setlist

🎩 One Theme → We're All Connected

😄 Funny Business → I prefer Luigi

📊 Community Poll → We paid attention in 9th-grade biology

🌖 There is no community breathwork tonight. We will be back next Thursday!

Now, a word from our fake sponsor…

This newsletter is brought to you by Ass Pass!

From the creators of Class Pass comes the newest and hottest membership offering: Ass Pass.

Ready to give your rear a little lift, but tired of having to find a new butt lift provider every month? Ass Pass is a revolutionary service that lets you get a butt lift wherever you are!

Whether you’re at a park, city square, or any urban space, our pop-up “medical doctors” will treat you anywhere. Most of them live in the parks already, so don’t expect a long wait time!

Premium Subscribers to Doug’s Newsletter receive both cheeks lifted for the price of one. Say goodbye to that payment plan of “maybe some day I’ll do the left cheek!”

We're All Connected

Do you remember those days in school when the teacher would put on a movie, instead of telling you about hemoglobin?

Ooh yeah, that’s the stuff.

Damn, those days were great.

And here at Doug’s Newsletter, we’re having one of those days.

It’s not because I’m hungover, which I learned in later life is the cause of movie days 90% of the time.

It’s because I’m preparing for our first in-person Full Moon Gathering this Saturday in Los Angeles! We have over 25 people signed up to attend.

For all those signed up to attend from home, we’ll still be holding the event virtually. For all those not signed up…here’s your chance! But put your devices down during the movie. This is a classroom, have some fucking decorum.

Movie: The Egg

Duration: 8 minutes

Subscribe to Doug’s Newsletter to get the good stuff delivered to your inbox.

😄 Funny Business

📊 Community Poll

Results for last week’s question: Which intestine comes first in the digestive process, and how confident are you in your answer?

How did most people know this? I figured it would be the large intestine, as operations would get more and more intricate and fine-tuned in the small intestine before the grand finale (aka blowing out your toilet).

The small intestine does indeed come first. Enjoy sharing this random fact you now know at your next dinner with friends.

On to this week’s question…

What is the SINGLE MOST VALUABLE app on your phone?

Share your answer after clicking "Submit Here."

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Begin and end with love,

Founder of Slow The Fuck Down

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What injures the hive injures the bee. — Marcus Aurelius