Clip Show: 2024 Review

Part I

5 minutes to slow down, laugh, and share something in common. Every Thursday.

Today’s Setlist

🎩 One Theme → Clip Show: 2024 Review

😄 Funny Business → also clips

📊 Community Poll → 50% humans, 50% wild animals

Clip Show: 2024 Review Pt. I

It’s the end of June, which means we’re halfway through 2024!

As humans, we love to put things in boxes, marking beginnings and ends.

I am excited to one day write about the pros and cons of this habit, but today will not be that day because…

Morgan and I got engaged on Friday!

The entire month of June has been a joyful tornado of hosting family & friends, traveling, and celebrating.

The celebrations continue tomorrow as we embark on an eight-day cruise to Alaska for a friend's wedding.

I am both excited for my return on July 1st to rediscover stillness and my routines—including salads—and am making a conscious effort to stay present and enjoy everything that June has offered.

All this to say…it’s time for a clip show!

I’m 90% sure TV shows do clip shows when they are short on a resource to make a “normal“ episode.

I am short on time, so we’re clipping it up by highlighting some prior newsletter editions.

I also really want to do this because

A) 629 of our 752 readers joined in the last 2 months(!!!), and

B) I love the idea of balancing growth and expansion (new newsletters) with rest and integration (no new newsletters).

Next Thursday, I will highlight the most interesting findings from our 📊Community Polls.

This Thursday is all about 🎩 Themes And 😄 Funny Business.

So without further ado, here are the most interacted-with Themes and Funnies from every month so far!

Reflect on your fears about death and transform your life by embracing its certainty, inspired by the legacy of my beloved Papa and a simple app that brings death into daily contemplation.

Discover how embracing the 'Line of Fuck It' can free you from the shackles of fear and people-pleasing, empowering you to pursue your true desires without hesitation.

Explore how shaking your butt more can boost your mood, ease tension, and bring joy to your life with simple dance routines inspired by my personal journey with Morgan.

April - Words Matter

Learn why I say “strong” instead of “week,” and how a simple shift in language from 'Good Morning' to 'Grand Rising' can transform your day and empower you to stand up for your truth.

Embrace the stillness and trust nature's timing to grow into your true self, inspired by a transformative mushroom ceremony and the majestic Home Tree from Avatar.

What has been your favorite so far? Reply to this email and let me know—I love to hear from you.

Subscribe to Doug’s Newsletter to get the good stuff delivered to your inbox.

📊 Community Poll

Results for last week’s question: How easy is it for you to open cereal boxes?

We are equal parts human and wild animal! I am a wild animal on this.

Alex F, Steve M, and Micaela B know that the final boss is actually the bag inside the box:

Fun Fact: floor cereal led to the invention of the dog in 1838.

On to this strong’s question…

Begin and end with love,

Did a cool person forward you this email?

We are always complaining that our days are few, and acting as though there would be no end to them. — Seneca